Auto Services

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License plates and stickers serve to verify that your vehicle is registered, identify the type of registration you hold, and facilitate the association of vehicles with their owners. California has mandated license plates since 1905.

Partial-Year Registration:
Commercial motor vehicles that are not operated throughout an entire calendar year may qualify for partial-year registration (PYR). PYR can be valid for any duration ranging from 1 to 12 months.

Duplicate Sticker:
License plates and stickers must be promptly replaced if they are lost, stolen, damaged, or have become unreadable.

Duplicate Registration Card:
You must promptly replace your license plates and registration stickers if they are lost, stolen, damaged, or have become illegible in any manner.

Duplicate License Plates:
If your plates were lost or stolen, you need to obtain substitute license plates with a new configuration. Otherwise, you can order replacement plates if you have special plates.

Duplicate Title/Replacement Title:
A replacement California Certificate of Title must be obtained when the original is lost, stolen, mutilated, illegible, or not received.

Suspended Registration Removal:
Vehicle owners with registered vehicles are required to maintain insurance for their vehicles. If the DMV does not receive proof of insurance for a vehicle, it will suspend the vehicle’s registration. Until proof of insurance is submitted, the vehicle may not be operated or parked on public roadways.

Planned Nonoperation (PNO):
Means that the vehicle will not be driven, towed, stored, or parked on public roads or highways for the entire registration year. The DMV will accept PNO filings up to 60 days before the registration expires or up to 90 days after the registration expires.

Personalized License Plates/Special Interest License Plates:
Special interest license plates feature a unique graphic design with an image related to the organization’s interest. They are available with configurations of numbers, letters, or both, which have been personally chosen by the applicant (personalized) or are standard issue configurations (sequential). Environmental License Plates are the standard California plates, which do not have graphics, and are only available with personalized configurations.

Disabled Person (DP) Parking Placard:
A qualified permanently disabled individual may obtain a Disabled Person (DP) parking placard to receive parking privileges. A permanent placard is for individuals with permanent disabilities and is valid for two years. A temporary placard is for individuals with temporary disabilities and is valid for up to six months.

Transfer of Salvage Title:
A salvage vehicle is a vehicle that has been wrecked or damaged to such an extent that it is considered too expensive to repair.

Out of State Title/Non-Resident Vehicle:
A nonresident vehicle is a vehicle that was last registered in another state or country.

Release of Liability:
Sold your vehicle? Completing a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) informs the DMV that you are no longer responsible for parking/traffic violations or civil or criminal actions associated with the vehicle after the date of sale.

Lien Sale:
If a person has repaired, supplied materials for, towed, or stored a vehicle and has not been paid for the services rendered, that person has a lien against the vehicle. The lien may be satisfied by obtaining a court judgment or by selling the vehicle through a lien sale process outlined in the California Civil Code (CCC). To conduct a lien sale, the person/lienholder must have possession of the vehicle.

VIN Verification:
A VIN verification is an official inspection of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) by a law enforcement officer or DMV agent to ensure that the VIN matches all parts of the vehicle and is valid. This is often required, for example, when purchasing a car from another state.

Lien Holder Change/Removal:
The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) cannot remove the legal owner until the proper documents and fees are submitted, or the legal owner releases interest electronically.

Non-Repairable Title:
A Total Loss/Non-Repairable Vehicle meets one of the following criteria:
-The vehicle has been declared by the owner solely as a source of parts or scrap metal.
-The vehicle has been completely stripped (surgical strip).
-The vehicle is a completely burned shell with no usable or repairable parts.
Once this certificate is issued, the vehicle cannot be titled or re-registered for use as Junk/Revived Salvage.

Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs):
OHVs are motor vehicles exempt from registration and are operated exclusively off public roads and highways. This excludes fire trails, logging or service roads regardless of surface material, and roughly graded trails. OHVs include, but are not limited to, motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, trail bikes, dune/sand buggies, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), jeeps, and snowmobiles. A vehicle must be identified as an OHV unless it is registered for on-highway use or is exempt from identification (ID) according to California Vehicle regulations.