Commercial Services

Registering Commercial Vehicles and PTI Trailers

Commercial motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) or combined grossvehicle weight (CGW) of 10,001 lbs. or more, along with most trailers, need to beregistered as commercial vehicles. Depending on the use,commercial motor vehiclescan include:

*Buses: When used to transport people for hire, compensation,or profit.

*Motor trucks: A motor vehicle designed, used, or maintainedprimarily for the transporation of property.

*Pickups: A commercially used motor truck with a manufacturer’sgross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than 11,500 lbs., anunladen weight of less than 8,001 lbs., and equipped with anopen box-type bed less than nine ft. in length.

*Tow trucks: A motor vehicle designed to transport vehicles bymeans of a crane, hoist, tow bars, tow line, or dolly, and primarilyused for that purpose.

* Truck tractor: A motor vehicle designed and used primarily fordrawing other vehicles and not constructed to carry a load otherthan a part of the vehicle weight and load.

* Water-well drilling rigs: Agricultural and oversize water-welldrilling rigs are exempt, but all other types need to be registeredas commercial vehicles.

* Yard trucks: Vehicles specifically designed to move trailerswithin or about freight operation yards in preparation for storageor loading.

*Multipurpose vehicles, passenger vehicles, pickup trucks, andstation wagons can be registered as passenger or commercialvehicles, depending on their use

FTA requires that truck owners file quarterly reports for each truck in their
fleet. You must file an IFTA tax report in each jurisdiction that the truck travels
through. The IFTA quarterly reports document the mileage and fuel purchased ineach state or province.

DOT and Motor Carrier Authority Numbers

The International Registration Plan (IRP) is an option forregistering commercial vehicles that allows for interstateoperation under asingle registration plate and registrationcertificate (cab card) issued by your “base” state.

Commercial motor vehicles not operated throughout acalendar year may be eligible for partial year registration (PYR).
PYR can be valid for any amount of time between 1-12 months.